Media Literacy

Цена 93.35 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781412909891


Страниц 480

Год выпуска 2005

The media world bombards us with messages that invade our real-world space to the extent that we sometimes feel we have lost control of reality.A TheseA media messagesA can beA multi-layered and aren"tA always what they seem.A W. James Potter highlights the importance of learning to unwrap these layers and choose what we want to believe, reclaiming our ability to perceive the real world. Media Literacy helps students develop a strong knowledge base about the media.A Potter presents a guidebook to the often difficult terrain of the mediated world, providing a plan of action for students to develop their media literacy and analytical skills.A HeA shows how becoming media literate gives students a clearer perspective on the borders between their own world and the simulated media world. Throughout the book, he encourages students to apply the exercises to their own experiences, thus developing usefulA skills beyond simple rote learning. New to this...