Dynamic Scheduling with Microsoft Office Project 2003: The Book by and for Professionals

Цена 74.95 - 119.60 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781932159455


Страниц 755

Год выпуска 2004

Microsoft Office Project 2003 is a powerful software tool, and like all tools, it requires knowledge and skill to be used to its maximum potential. This fully revised new edition of Eric Uyttewaal"s best-selling book on Microsoft Project provides users with everything they will need to more easily and effectively manage projects to a successful conclusion. Dynamic Scheduling with Microsoft Office Project 2003: The Book By and For Professionals is not only written by a certified PMP and project management practitioner with over 17 years of experience using and teaching MS Project, but is also based on the cumulative experience of the author"s clients, other instructors, and includes insights from numerous other professionals who have used MS Office Project successfully. This unique guide, based on research from over 1,000 real-life schedules, gives a complete picture of how to use this software to achieve the best results. "A must read, reread, and use daily for all project...