The Heart of a CEO: How I Went From the Internet Independent to a National Internet Marketing Mogul

Цена 18.42 - 39.93 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781432767785

Брэнд Outskirts Press

Страниц 212

Год выпуска 2011

The Heart of a CEO How I Went From the Internet Independent to Mainstream PublicityFrequently Asked Questions about the Book1.What made you want to write a book? Books have been around for a very long time and they come in all different forms, shapes and sizes. Books are created for the sole purpose of building some type of knowledge. I wanted to write a book for a number of reasons. I guess one of the biggest reasons was I wanted a way to make a sufficient living and travel the world simultaneously and what better way to do this than to write a book. Back then I never thought I would write a book but opportunities come for those who seize them. Another reason is there have been so many people that ask questions about my success story. They want to know the truth behind the success and a lot of times when I do interviews, I cannot get out everything verbally but you can in writing a book. So many entrepreneurs from all walks of life understand this concept and this is why they write...