How to Grow When Markets Don"t

Цена 18.56 - 22.46 USD

Absolutely! Even as you read this, old-line companies are creating new profits through "demand innovation". They"re thinking beyond their products, exploring the opportunities that surround them, and discovering exciting new possibilities for growth. The acclaimed guide to this new approach to expansion, "How to Grow When Markets Don"t" shows you how: Cardinal Health, a drug wholesaler, overcame a price squeeze by developing profitable new prepackaged surgical kits; Johnson Controls went beyond the assembly of car seats by designing complete, integrated automobile cockpits; Virgin created a brand that embraces markets from travel to mobile phones - all linked by a spirit of youthful exuberance. Packed with more inspiring success stories, insights on mining your company"s hidden assets, and "moves for Monday morning" that can improve your bottom line immediately, this book gives you the tools you need to keep your company vital in...