Business Without Bosses P

The Truth About Teams "If you"re considering self-managing teams for your own business, Business Without Bosses should be on your reading list." —Managing Office Technology "Anyone who wants to become or stay a manager needs to master this book"s practical and philosophical lessons." —Allan R. Cohen Vice President, Academic Affairs, Babson College and author, The Portable MBA in Management and Influence without Authority "The "real-world" case studies will appeal to executives who need answers, not theory, about self-managed teams." —William Band Vice President, Rath & Strong, Inc., management consultants and the author of Creating Value for Customers and Touchstones This insider"s tour shows you how organizations including Texas Instruments, IDS Financial Services, and W. L. Gore & Associates have discarded the old concept of "boss" and flourished with a new and effective team management style. Charles C. Manz, Ph.D. and Henry P. Sims, Jr.,...