Success Secrets of the Online Marketing Superstars

Цена 38.11 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781419505010


Страниц 352

Год выпуска 2005

"I highly recommend this book! It is a must-read for any business wanting to learn from the very best marketers in the world how to succeed online" - Jack Canfield, Author of Success Principles and Chicken Soup For The Soul "The Definitive Online Marketing Book! Every chapter is a treasury of high-impact strategies and tactics from the very best marketers on the Internet." - Jay Conrad Levinson, Author of Guerrilla Marketing, the best-selling marketing series in history "Internet marketing offers a whole new world of sales opportunities that have never before existed. This book shows you how to maximize your sales and profitability in this exciting medium." - Brian Tracy, Author of The Psychology of Selling "You"ll be surprised at the dozens of battle-tested strategies Mitch has extracted from the world"s top online marketing superstars. ... Any one of these principles you"ll learn can instantly put hundreds, even thousands of new found profits into your bank account!" -...