Innovation--The Missing Dimension:
Цена 31.82 USD
Amid mounting concern over the loss of jobs to low-wage economies, one fact is clear: America?s prosperity hinges on the ability of its businesses to continually introduce new products and services. But what makes for a creative economy? How can te remarkable surge of innovation that fueled the boom of the 1990s be sustained? For an answer, Richard K. Lester and Michael J. Piore examine innovation strategies in some of the economy?s most dynamic sectors. Through eye-opening case studies f new product development in fields such as cell phones, medical devices, and blue jeans, two fundamental processes emerge. One of these processes, analysis?rational problem solving?dominates management and engineering practice. The othe, interpretation, is not widely understood, or even recognized?although, as the authors make clear, it is absolutely crucial to innovation. Unlike problem solving, interpretation embraces and exploits ambiguity, the wellspring...