Satisfied Customers Tell Three Friends, Angry Customers Tell 3,000: Running a Business in Today"s Consumer-Driven World

In June 2006, a man named Vincent Ferrari had a shockingly combative conversation with an AOL sales rep; he recorded it and posted it on YouTube. More than 62,827 viewings later, AOL"s reputation was irretrievably damaged. In the digital age, disgruntled customers are now in the driver"s seat, argues Blackshaw in this thoughtful and engaging book. With the advent of and other venues where customers can blow off steam about bad service or deficient products, consumer generated media is a force to be reckoned with. Since consumers trust other consumers above companies or brands, a company"s success depends on its credibility and its ability to gain the trust and support of Web-savvy, outspoken and influential customers. Through remarkable stories of mass consumer advocacy and the power of bloggers and ordinary Joes with an Internet connection and a bone to pick, Blackshaw advises executives on how to build credibility into their businesses through blogs, Web sites and...