Trading ETFs: Gaining an Edge with Technical Analysis

Цена 4.06 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781576603055


Издатель Bloomberg Press

Страниц 256

Год выпуска 2008

Форма выпуска 195x240

An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a basket of stocks that trades on an exchange with the same simplicity and liquidity of an individual stock. In this book, money manager Deron Wagner introduces the major types and families of ETFs and then provides step-by-step guidance to picking and trading funds. Unlike other books on ETFs, Wagner"s strategies are based on technical analysis, a method of timing the market that greatly improves an investor"s chances of predicting short and intermediate term ETF trends. Wagner"s comprehensive catalog of the ETFs now available, his insights into successful trading techniques, and his solid research and informative examples, will be an invaluable resource for everyone trying to come up to speed on this new investment opportunity.