Enterprise 3. Coursebook. Pre-Intermediate. Учебник
"Enterprise 3: Pre-Intermediate" consists of four modules and is the third of a four-level English course. It is specially designed to motivate and involve students in effective learning. The course provides systematic preparation for all the skills required for successful communication both in written and spoken form. Key Features: Extensive practice of listening, reading, speaking and writing skills; Reading Sections consisting of cross-cultural topics that stimulate students" interest; Vocabulary Practice Sections which help students understand and use the vocabulary in the reading text; Language Development Sections which build up students" knowledge of the topics under discussion through a variety of tasks; Grammar in Use Sections which thoroughly revise the major grammar areas; Writing Sections which present useful writing skills while giving students step-by-step guidance; Pronunciation Activities which present individual sounds as well as intonation; Listening and Speaking Activities which develop communication; Module Self-Assessment Sections which revise grammar structures and vocaPulary presented before; Grammar Reference Section at the back of the book where theory is presented in detail; Culture Clips. Рекомендуем!