How to Raise and Keep a Dragon

Цена 13.14 - 31.77 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780764159206

Брэнд Barrons Educ Series


Издатель Barron's Educational Series

Страниц 128

Год выпуска 2006

Why keep a dragon? There are many reasons. What else can protect your treasure . . . impress your friends . . . make diamonds out of coal . . . work as a model for coats of arms . . . heat your home? Kids who enjoy whimsy will be delighted by this beautifully illustrated owner"s manual for dragon fanciers. It tells about the wide range of different dragons available, the characteristics of each, and the equipment and supplies that every dragon owner should have on hand. (For instance, a fire extinguisher.) The book is a fanciful blend of dragon lore and colorful art, the latter including diagrams of parts of winged and non-winged dragons, portraits of sea serpents, depictions of Asian dragons, and many others. More than 250 color illustrations in all. Here"s a book that"s fun from first page to last.