Dark Riddle: Hegel, Nietzsche and the Jews

Цена 97.58 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780745620329


Издатель Polity

Страниц 256

Год выпуска 1998

This brilliant and absorbing study examines the image of Judaism and the Jews in the work of two of the most influential modern philosophers, Hegel and Nietzsche. Hegel was a proponent of universal reason and Nietzsche its opponent; Hegel was a Christian thinker and Nietzsche a self proclaimed Anti Chris; Hegel strove to bring modernity to its climax, while Nietzsche wanted to divert the evolution of modernity into completely different paths. In view of these conflicting attitudes and philosophical projects, how did each of them assess the historical role of the Jews and their place in the modern world? The mature Hegel partly overcame the fierce anti Jewish attitude of his youth, yet continued to see Judaism as the alienation of its own new principles. Post Christian Judaism no longer had a real history, only a contingent protracted existence, and although modern Jews deserved civil rights, Hegel saw no place for them in modernity as Jews. Nietzsche, on the contrary, who...