Pure Magic: A Complete Course in Spellcasting

Цена 12.14 - 20.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781578633913


Издатель Weiser Books

Страниц 288

Год выпуска 2007

"Pure Magic" is a practical crash course for anyone who"s ever envied TV witches. Or women who always seem to get the job, apartment, or date they want. Or people who can make their dreams come true. Judika Illes has written a spellcasting primer in down-to-earth language. "I consciously set out to write a book that would be different from any other on the market," Illes writes. "This book is jargon free. It contains information usually handed down from teacher to student. It focuses on the practical aspects of spellcasting in a clear and nonjudgmental way… No specialized metaphysical training is required." What is required is that we become aware of the natural rhythms, energies, powers, and patterns of Earth and her diverse inhabitants. Pure Magic offers a plethora of individual spells, plus concrete advice on how and where to practice magic, to rightly use words of power, and to cleanse, protect, and enhance your magic self. Work your way through it"s easy-to-follow,...