Were You Raised by Wolves?: Clues to the Mysteries of Adulthood

Цена 32.62 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780061238246

Брэнд William Morrow


Издатель Collins Living

Страниц 256

Год выпуска 2008

Perhaps, in your parents" eagerness to smooth life"s bumpy road, they took such good care of you that you never learned how to be a self-sufficient human being. And now here you are, all grown up. What next? You may think you don"t really need to know how to make a proper cup of coffee. You"ve never given much thought to your listening skills, or how one goes about saving money, or stocking a bar. But knowing these things will really make you a much more well-rounded and all-around more charming and useful person, one who is more apt to be invited over for dinner. In fact, a lot of us might benefit from having a few gentle hints about housekeeping, habits, and behavior lobbed in our general direction. With advice and information ranging from How to Boil an Egg to How to Go a Whole Day Without Spending Money-in chapters as diverse as the Upside of Being Single and Lonely and the Hangover: Badge of Courage or Waste of a Day? - "Were You Raised by Wolves?" will help you come away...