The Shadow Thieves (Cronus Chronicles, The)
Цена 14.03 - 31.16 USD
See that girl, the one with the bright red hair, overstuffed backpack, and aura of grumpiness? That"s Charlotte Mielswetzski. And something extra-ordinary is about to happen to her. Oh, it"s not the very cute kiten that appears out of nowhere and demands to go home with her. It"s not the sudden arrival of her cousin Zee, who believes he"s the cause of a mysterious sickness that has struck his friends back in England. It"s not her creepy English teacher Mr. Metos,who takes his mythology lessons just a little too seriously. And it"s not the white-faced, yellow-eyed men in tuxedoes, who follow Charlotte everywhere. What"s so extraordinary is not any one of these things....It"s all of them. Andwhen Charlotte"s friends start to get sick one by one, Charlotte and Zee set out to find a cure. Their quest leads them to a not-so-mythical Underworld, where they face rhyme-loving Harpies, gods with personnel problems, and ghosts with a thirst for blood...