Imaging Atlas of the Pelvic Floor and Anorectal Diseases

Цена 97.76 - 239.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9788847008083, 9788847008083

Издатель Springer

Страниц 256

Год выпуска 2008

Exciting technical advances in US, CT, and MRI over the past decade have greatly enhanced the challenging task of investigating intestinal, pelvic floor, and anorectal function and dysfunction. The goal of "Imaging Atlas of the Pelvic Floor and Anorectal Diseases", edited and authored by internationally respected experts in the field, is to clearly and precisely present indications, techniques, limitations, sources of errors, and pitfalls of these imaging modalities. The concise text expertly describes the abundant, high-quality images that show the normal anorectal anatomy as well as the pathological appearance of the all-too-common large-bowel and pelvic floor functional diseases. The use of radiopaque markers in diagnosing colonic inertia; defecography, 3D US, and MRI in investigating obstructed defecation; 3D US and MRI in differentiating between benign and malignant anorectal neoplasms; CT and MRI in assessing pelviperineal anatomy and identifying pelvic tumors and inflammatory...