Euthyphro: Apology: Crito: Phaedo: Phaedrus

Цена 21.71 - 32.07 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780674990401, 9780674990401


Издатель Harvard University Press

Страниц 608

Год выпуска 1989

Форма выпуска 120x170

Loeb Classical Library Plato, the great philosopher of Athens, was born in 427 BCE. In early manhood an admirer of Socrates, he later founded the famous school of philosophy in the grove Academus. Much else recorded of his life is uncertain; that he left Athens for a time after Socrates" execution is probable; that later he went to Cyrene, Egypt, and Sicily is possible; that he was wealthy is likely; that he was critical of "advanced" democracy is obvious. He lived to be 80 years old. Linguistic tests including those of computer science still try to establish the order of his extant philosophical dialogues, written in splendid prose and revealing Socrates" mind fused with Plato"s thought. In Laches, Charmides, and Lysis, Socrates and others discuss separate ethical conceptions. Protagoras, Ion, and Meno discuss whether righteousness can be taught. In Gorgias, Socrates is estranged from his city"s thought, and his fate is impending. The Apology (not a dialogue), Crito, Euthyphro, and the unforgettable...