A Time To...

A TIME TO… is a story about Al Masterson, a baby boomer and a risk manager who worked in the World Trade Center on 9/11. As Tower One collapsed on him and his companions, he was taken away on a mysterious guided tour of his life. He revisited his childhood in the ‘50s when he had a hard time adapting to his New York City home. A teacher had rescued him from a disastrous year so he gave her a special gift; he couldn’t imagine how that gift would later impact his life. In the turbulent ‘60s, he struggled to become a man, but, his attempt to join a street gang led to a terrible loss that would haunt him for years. His life drifted into the ‘70s until he left New York for Ethiopia where he served as a Peace Corps Volunteer. While there, he experienced a world full of fascinating people and situations. In the process, his life had purpose once again. Jobs as a broadcast journalist and a public relations executive in the 80’s gave him a front row seat to social events that...