Цена 65.00 - 68.00 USD
Full-color coverage of the latest diagnosis and management strategies for treating neuro-ophthalmological conditions Part of the Instant Clinical Diagnosis in Ophthalmology series, this full-color, quick reference provides in-depth guidance on new diagnostic approaches, operative techniques, and procedures for treating neuro-ophthalmological conditions. Features Numerous full-color photographs, drawings, and algorithms Quick scan bulleted text Covers key topics such as visual pathway, the pupil, binocular vision, ocular motility, pediatric neuro-ophthalmology, the examination, visual sensory disorders, congenital optic disc anomalies, papilledema, and more Detailed, authoritative content you won"t find in any other resource: SECTION 1: Applied Anatomy and Preliminary Considerations in Neuro-ophthalmology; Chapter 1. Visual Pathway; Chapter 2. The Pupil; Chapter 3. Binocular Vision; Chapter 4....