The Anatomy Of Peace.

Have you ever felt like you couldn"t shake your anger, or your bitterness, or your anxiety? Or have you ever felt that others make you miserable—that despite your best efforts to make things work, people at home or work seem committed to undercutting your happiness or your success? Or perhaps you have noticed this same pattern on the news and in world events—warring groups so adamantly entrenched in their positions, that peace becomes seemingly impossible. The Anatomy of Peace shows how we are often mistaken in our views of others and ourselves, and how we therefore often misread the cause of problems and fail to see how our situations can be improved. It shows how we tend to incorrectly project blame onto external circumstances or onto other people, instead of looking inward and confronting the true source of our conflicts. Our hope for peace, both internal and external, depends most on our ability to overcome the war that has come to afflict our own hearts. Only by...