Courage Goes To Work

For most managers, the hard part about managing isn’t keeping things organized, meeting deliverable dates, or staying on budget. The hard part about managing is all the people stuff. Managers grow frustrated when people are slow to change, slow to trust, and slow to get things done. Managers struggle most when their people don’t take on work outside their own scope, when the only thing their people seem to care about is the itty bitty task right in front of them. Managers hate dealing with all the crybaby excuses, finger-pointing and poor attitudes that get in the way of doing actual work. In short, the hard part about managing is having to motivate workers who are either too comfortable doing things the way they’ve always done or too afraid to do things differently. The problem is that too many workers are too comfortable, too afraid, or too much of both. This book helps managers address the problem of workers who are comfeartable. Comfeartable workers don’t exert...