The Fox In The Henhouse

The Fox in the Henhouse takes an in-depth look at the growing practice of privatization—what it is, what it does to our society, and how we can stop it. Privatisation is one of the most important political and economic developments of our time, affecting virtually every person and state in the world. The purpose of The Fox in the Henhouse is to present, in clear, direct terms, an analysis of privatisation that will help people understand what is happening to them and what they can do about it. It gives people on all sides of many different privatisation struggles (over hospitals, schools, sanitation, water, Social Security, the military, public lands, the postal service, national parks, prisons) the arguments that have been used to place privatization at the center of the corporate agenda and to dominate the public debate. It also provides a historical framework that allows readers to center their thinking in questions of what it means to build a...