Resourcing And Talent Management

"It may be rash to claim that there is nothing more you"ll ever need to know about people resourcing and talent management once you"ve read Stephen Taylor"s book, but it"s nonetheless a claim I come close to making ... For Stephen, people resourcing and talent management, properly performed, will promote people as contributors to organisational excellence. In other words, everything he writes is said with the long-term health of the business in mind." TED JOHNS, CIPD Chief Examiner, People Resourcing and CIPD National Examiner, Managing and Leading People This textbook has been written for the new optional CIPD postgraduate module Resourcing and Talent Management. It is also ideal for students studying People Resourcing modules on non-CIPD programmes. Key Selling Points: Maps on to the new CIPD module on Resourcing and Talent Management Written by Stephen Taylor, the CIPD"s examiner for the Managing in a Strategic Business Context paper and...