Consumer Value: A Framework for Analysis and Research (Routledge Interpretive Market Research Series)

Цена 88.68 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781932531497, 9781932531497


Издатель Enterpreneur.Press

Страниц 240

Год выпуска 2011

Consumer Value is one of the few books which attempts to define and analyze exactly what it is that consumers want. The theme of "serving" the customer and customer satisfaction is central to every formulation of the marketing concept. The major types of value are identified and related to one another through an innovative framework based around eight concepts: efficiency, excellence, status, esteem, play, aesthetics, ethics, and spirituality. Consumer Value contains an broad range ofcontributions and a highly individualistic approach, this book is guaranteed to shed new light on the subject. Contributors: Stephen Brown, Kent Grayson, Morris B. Holbrook, France Leclerc, Richard L. Oliver, Marsha L. Richins, N. Bernd H. Schmitt, Craig Smith, Michael R. Solomon and Janet Wagner