Boats with an Open Mind: Seventy-Five Unconventional Designs and Concepts

The business of production boatbuilding operates within extraordinarily narrow confines. Go to a boatshow, and you are impressed by how much alike the boats look. Designs are distinguished not by unique attributes but by degree - how fast they supposedly go, how many people they sleep, the quality of craftsmanship, how much they cost. This is assuredly not because a tidal creek birdwatcher wants the same kind of boat as an ocean cruiser. Rather, it"s due to the requirements of mass production. It wasn"t always so; back before fiberglass made it possible to build multiple hulls from one mold, each boat was an individual creation and could be shaped to satisfy any combination of requirements, no matter how whimsical. Here are 75 novel and wonderful boats - some strange, some beautiful, all of them paragons of Philip Bolger"s form-follows-function design philosophy. A planing microtrawler; a glass-galleried, beachable birdwatching boat; a fully enclosed ocean-cruising rowboat;...