Succeeding With Your Master"S Dissertation

Amazon reviews for the 1st edition: "The ONE book you need to guide you through writing your master"s thesis. It ensures you "tick all the boxes" necessary for a good result. I especially liked the "common mistake by students" in each section." "The book provides structure, clarity, time management and advice on content for your dissertation. I am delighted to say I passed my Master"s with a distinction and owe a lot to the guidance provided by this book." This popular book continues to demystify the dissertation writing process. Taking a step-by-step approach to the dissertation life cycle and highlighting examples of good and bad practice and the common mistakes that students often make, the book provides clear guidance on how to gain marks, as well as how to avoid losing them. From your initial research proposal to your final submission, you will find this book an indispensible guide. This new edition offers: Additional advice on...