Teach Yourself Electricity And Electronics, 5Th Edition

A fully updated, easy-to-follow guide to electricity and electronics Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics, Fifth Edition helps you grasp the fundamentals of electricity and electronics—including theory—without formal training. Concise content along with a conversational writing tone enhance the pedagogy. Beginners and intermediate students will benefit most, but engineers and technicians will find this work useful as well. Practical, real-world examples are included. The Fifth Edition features improved content, tables, and diagrams, plus fully revised chapter-ending quizzes, tests, and final exam. This unique book can serve as a classroom text, a refresher, and a general reference. New to the Fifth Edition: New material on emerging/advanced electronic and communications systems, including: microcontrollers, audio-frequency electronics, radio-frequency communications, optical communications, laser communications, space communications Updated...