Greenspan"S Bubbles: The Age Of Ignorance At The Federal Reserve

The stock market crash of 1987, the Savings & Loan crisis, the Asian crisis, the collapse of Long Term Capital Management, the stock market bubble of 2000, the feared Y2K crisis, and now the housing crisis – Alan Greenspan has a long history of slashing interest rates to bail out investors who should not need rescuing. In times past, Greenspan’s avuncular style carried him through…as did his sage pronouncements of conundrums and the wall of worry. But people in the know including Bill Fleckenstein were not convinced, and in Greenspan’s Bubbles our author reveals why the economic decline and market chaos he and others predicted in 2003 has come to pass. More importantly, Fleckenstein makes a compelling case of Greenspan’s culpability as a serial bubble blower and the individual responsible for our fragile financial state. Fleckenstein explains just how far-reaching Greenspan’s mess has been flung, and presents damning evidence that contradicts the former Fed chairman’s...