Air Transportation: A Management Perspective

Цена 39.80 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780534393847

Издатель Brooks Cole

Страниц 624

Год выпуска 2003

Publication of the fifth edition of Air Transportation: A Management Perspective will extend its life into the 21 st century, unquestionably the most remembered period in the history of aviation. The aviation industry entered a new era as a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11.2001 and the Iraqi crisis of 2003. General aviation, including business aviation, and commercial aviation have been faced with record financial losses, resulting in massive organizational restructuring. No other time in history has proven to be as difficult as the current situation. Air carriers have experienced a record number of bankruptcies. Aircraft manufacturers have scaled down production, and airlines have reduced frequency on routes or eliminated service to destinations entirely. Employees at all levels have been furloughed or permanently terminated from their positions. It was estimated that the aviation industry would face positive growth two years after the events of 9/11. However, those...