The Unicode Standard, Version 5.0
Цена 62.85 - 94.77 USD
"Hard copy versions of the Unicode Standard have been among the most crucial and most heavily used reference books in my personal library for years." --Donald E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming "For more than a decade, Unicode has been a foundation for many Microsoft products and technologies; Unicode Standard Version 5.0 will help us deliver important new benefits to users." --Bill Gates, chairman, Microsoft Corporation "The path W3C follows to making text on the Web truly global is Unicode." --Sir Tim Berners-Lee, kbe, Web inventor and director of the World Wide Consortium (W3C) "Without Unicode, Java wouldn"t be Java, and the Internet would have a harder time connecting the people of the world." --James Gosling, Inventor of Java, Sun Microsystems, Inc. These and other software luminaries recognize that Unicode has become an indispensable tool for supporting an increasingly global marketplace (see inside for...