MCDST: MicrosoftA Certified Desktop Support Technician Study Guide (Exams 70 - 271 and 70 - 272)
Цена 34.90 - 70.95 USD
f you"re seeking MCDST certification, here"s the book you need to prepare for Exam 70-271, Supporting Users and Troubleshooting a Microsoft(r) XP(r) Operating System, and Exam 70-272, Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Desktop Applications on a Microsoft(r) Windows(r) XP Operating System. This revised and updated Deluxe Edition features over 200 pages of new content-including the very latest updates to the exams as well as case studies-and provides complete instruction to meet the exacting requirements of each exam. Prepare for your certification and career with this two-in-one, value-packed guide. Inside you"ll find: * Practical information on how to analyze problems and provide support to end users * Hundreds of challenging review questions * Bonus CD loaded with exam prep software, four bonus exams, Sybex test engine, and 300 electronic flashcards Authoritative coverage of all exam objectives, including Exam 70-271 *...