Programming 16-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C: Learning to Fly the PIC 24

New in the second edition: MPLAB X support and MPLAB C for the PIC24F v3 and later libraries I2CT interface 100% assembly free solutions Improved video, PAL/NTSC Improved audio, RIFF files decoding PIC24F GA1, GA2, GB1 and GB2 support Most readers will associate Microchip"s name with the ubiquitous 8-bit PIC microcontrollers but it is the new 16-bit PIC24F family that is truly stealing the scene. Orders of magnitude increases of performance, memory size and the rich peripheral set make programming these devices in C a must. This new guide by Microchip insider Lucio Di Jasio teaches readers everything they need to know about the architecture of these new chips: How to program them, how to test them, and how to debug them. Di Jasio"s common-sense, practical, hands-on approach starts out with basic functions and guides the reader step-by-step through even the most sophisticated programming scenarios. Experienced PIC users, including embedded engineers,...