Practical Software Estimation: Function Point Methods for Insourced and Outsourced Projects

Цена 40.41 - 70.11 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780321439109


Издатель Addison-Wesley Professional

Страниц 432

Год выпуска 2007

"A clearly written book that is a useful primer for a very complicated set of topics." Capers Jones, Chief Scientist Emeritus, Software Productivity Research LLC Practical Software Estimation brings together today"s most valuable tips, techniques, and best practices for accurately estimating software project efforts, costs, and schedules. Written by a leading expert in the field, it addresses the full spectrum of real-world challenges faced by those who must develop reliable estimates. M.A.Parthasarathy draws on the immense experience of Infosys, one of the world"s largest and most respected providers of IT-enabled business solutions, to bring you the only book with detailed guidance on estimating insourced and outsourced software projects, as well as projects that blend both approaches. He demonstrates how to successfully utilize Function Point (FP) methods, the industry"s leading estimation model. Then, using real case studies, he...