MCSA/MCSE Exam 70-291 Study Guide and Training System: Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure

Syngress Study Guides guarantee comprehensive coverage of all exam objectives. There are no longer any short cuts or gimmicks that allow candidates to pass Microsoft"s new, more rigorous exams. The days of cramming to become a "paper MCSE" are over; candidates must have a full grasp of all core concepts and plenty of hands-on experience to become certified. This book provides complete coverage of Microsoft Exam 70-291 and features one-of-a-kind integration of text, DVD-quality instructor-led training, and Web-based exam simulation and remediation, this study guide & DVD training system gives students 100% coverage of official Microsoft exam objectives plus realistic test prep. The System package consists of: 1) STUDY GUIDE. 800 pages of coverage explicitly organized in the identical structure of Microsoft"s exam objectives. Sections are designed to "standalone", allowing readers to focus on those areas in which they are weakest and skim topics they may have already mastered. 2) DVD:...