Security in an IPv6 Environment
Цена 61.34 - 89.95 USD
Dan Minoli, author of over 50 books on telecommunications and networks, and Jake Kouns, Chairman, CEO and CFO of the Open Security Foundation, discuss IPv6 security vulnerabilities, considerations, and mechanisms, and survey approaches for ensuring reliable and controlled IPv6 migration. The authors pool knowledge from industry resources, RFCs, and their own considerable security experience, discussing key IPv6 features, security issues, and potential exploitation of IPv6 protocol. They examine use of firewalls and encryption, and the fundamental topic of IPSec in IPv6 environments. Protect Networks from New and Growing Threats An increasing amount of mission-critical commercial and military operations are supported by distributed, mobile, always-connected, hybrid public-private networks, especially IPv6-based networks. The number of attackers or inimical agents continues to grow, and all computing environments must feature high-assurance security...