Profitable Patterns for Stock Trading

Цена 49.00 - 63.56 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780934380478


Over the past 20 years the use and misuse of the Fibonacci Summation series has proliferated to the point that commentators on the nation"s TV business channels are now resident experts. I lay no claim to being an expert. I have, however, studied the subject of Fibonacci numbers extensively, especially how it relates to trading. I have always taken the pragmatic position that if I could not use what I was studying to help in trading, then I was not interested in pursuing it any further. If this material can stimulate your interest in the subject, then introducing you to the subject will have been worthwhile... The pattern recognition methodology illustrated in the text will be of interest to anyone that has ever traded using technical charts. I can say with confidence that there are very few who have researched patterns to the extent I have. Some of the references date back to the early 1900s. Each of these patterns is based on ratio and proportion. A technical ! chart is nothing...