Learning Maya 5: Rendering
Цена 59.99 - 93.32 USD
25211993439, 773736060630, 9781894893435
John Wiley & Sons
Alias, Sybex
This official book from Maya Press is your solution to creating stunning images in Maya. Explore lighting, cameras, shading networks, and other rendering issues from an introductory level and them move on to advanced concepts such as Caustics and Global Illumination, Final Gather, and HDRI. Each topic is explored in both theory and practice so that you"ll not only understand the concepts presented, you"ll be able to complete easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorials. You can gain further insights by viewing the overviews provided in QuickTime format on the DVD-ROM. Don"t miss the inspiring photo gallery of images rendered in Maya and mental ray for Maya.