The Art of Batman Begins

Цена 58.59 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780811849487


Издатель Chronicle Books

Страниц 144

Год выпуска 2005

Book DescriptionThe origin of Batman, the crown jewel of all superheroes, will be revealed for the first time in Batman Begins, the highly anticipated film from director Christopher Nolan (Memento). A contemporary, innovative incarnation of a character and story that have captured people"s imaginations for six decades, Batman Begins hits theaters Summer 2005 and stars Christian Bale as the Dark Knight. Full of exclusive photographs of moody sets and exotic locations, as well as concept art, storyboards, and costume designs from the movie?s creative team, this oversized hardcover documents the newest spectacular portrayal of the most popular and enigmatic superhero ever conceived. The Art of Batman Begins is a must-have for artists, Batman aficionados, and filmgoers everywhere. BATMAN and all related characters and elements are trademarks of DC Comics © 2005.