Andy Goldsworthy in Close-Up

ANDY GOLDSWORTHY IN CLOSE-UP This book about the art of British sculptor and land artist Andy Goldsworthy considers each of his recurring motifs and forms and explores them in detail, with illustrations facing the text on each page. Includes many works in the U.S.A., and this edition has been completely updated. EXTRACT FROM THE INTRODUCTION One of the problems Andy Goldsworthy"s art addresses head on is the age-old relation between the "real world" and art, between objects as they are in the everyday world, and objects as they are represented in art. Goldsworthy makes the viewer look again at nature: not just at the beauty of it, but at the multitudinous variety of forms in nature. His sculpture is a poetry of natural forms, in which notions of "representation" are sidestepped, because he uses things "as themselves" (the use of photography, though, brings in the politics of representation). The snowball in Snowballs in Summer (1989 and 2000) is not...