Masters of Photography: Classic Photographic Artists of Our Time

Цена 10.17 - 10.35 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781844420049, 9781844420049


Издатель Carlton Books

Страниц 256

Год выпуска 2012

Форма выпуска 125x180

"Masters of Photography" is an indispensable and comprehensive guide to many of the world"s best-known photographers, from the pioneers of the early part of the century to the experimental artists who will take us into the future. Arranged in alphabetical order, each entry contains a selection of sumptuous reproductions of the photographer"s most interesting and representative works. In addition there is an incisive appreciation of each of these artists, including the technical background to their pictures, and a key facts panel covering biographical details and the development of each photographer"s career.