Don McCullin. Photofile

Photofile Don McCullin is one of the greatest photographers of conflict in our time. His career has encompassed the last fifty years – a relentlessly photographed era steeped in conflict.His photographs reveal the bleak underbelly of northern England, wars in Cyprus, Biafra, Vietnam, Cambodia and Beirut, riots in Derry, and famine and disease in Bangladesh. All are photographed with unswerving compassion. With all the beauty of classical tragedies, collectively McCullin’s photographs constitute one of the great documents of human conflict and its attendant grief, expressed with a visual lyricism that allows us to glimpse the unbearable.PHOTOFILE brings together the best work of the world’s greatest photographers, in an attractive format and at an easily affordable price. Handsome and collectable, the books are produced to the highest standards. Each volume contains some sixty full-page reproductions printed in superb duotone, together with a critical introduction and a full bibliography. The series has been awarded the first annual prize for distinguished photographic books by the International Center of Photography, New York.