FCE (First Certificate in English) Expert Student"s Resource Book with key (+ Audio CD)

"First Certificate Expert" is a flexible teaching programme which provides thorough preparation for the Cambridge First Certificate examination, while continuing to develop students" language awareness and communicative skills. In addition to the Coursebook, the complete package includes photocopiable classroom activities and tests in the "Teacher"s Resource Book", and a wealth of practice and extension material in the "Student"s Resource Book" (accompanied by a complimentary audio CD set and available with and without Key). The Teacher"s Cassette/CD pack contains all the listening material from the "Coursebook", "Student"s" and "Teacher"s Resource Book". The "Student"s Resource Book" contains 24 units linked in 12 modules, each related to the Coursebook by theme and topic. The material can be used: by teachers to supplement and extend the Coursebook lessons. by students on their own to consolidate and enrich their language and practise exam skills. as an...