English Together Starter Book. Teacher's Guide

Цена 5.39 - 28.29 USD

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780582078451



Вес 162 гр

Страниц 62

Год выпуска 2002

- English Together: Starter Book.English Together: Starter Book is intended for young children taking their first steps in learning English as a foreign language. It is particularly suitable for those learners who need a gradual introduction to the English alphabet, simple words and sentences.Teacher"s Guide.The Starter Book Teacher"s Guide provides:- Detailed lesson notes, including ideas for extra practice activities andgames- Guidance for using the alphabet section at the front of the pupils" book- An easy to use reference chart for each unit, outlining new language andrevision- The tapescript for all dialogues, songs, chants and listening exercises.The Starter Book can be used either as a freestanding introductory book or as preparation for learners who will move on to use the English Together series (1: Holiday House, 2: Cliff Castle, 3: The Golden Globe).Components:English Together: Starter Book;English Together: Starter Book Teacher"s Guide;English Together: Starter Book Cassette.