Superhero: Phonic Readers: Sky Boy: Level 2

Цена 0.33 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781409304647, 9781409304654, 9781409304654


Издатель Ladybird Books Ltd

Страниц 30

Год выпуска 2010

Форма выпуска 120x175

Ladybird Reading Sky Boy is a swooping superhero - he can fly like a bird. When Captain Badman tries to steal a bag of gold from the Air Ship, Sky Boy swoops into action. Can he rescue the gold? Captain Badman had better look out! These are beginner reading books for children who have been learning synthetic phonics in school. Help your child learn to read at home without contradicting schoolwork. These exciting superhero adventures are ideal for building confidence in learning to read. Special "Superhero Secrets" puzzle pages help build comprehension skills. It includes stickers and a reward chart.