Barron"s American Slang Dictionary and Thesaurus

- This unique reference volume is two books in one: a dictionary of slang and a slang thesaurus, with both sections treating the same words and phrases. Entries are arranged alphabetically in the dictionary and thematically in the thesaurus. Entries in both sections include definition, pronunciation, part of speech, word origins, usage information, and usage alerts when applicable. All entry words are visually coded to help readers distinguish slang that is potentially objectionable from milder slang, and all synonyms are coded for the level of formality (formal, informal, no register) and separated by part of speech. This arrangement gives readers more information about the potential effects of their chosen word on their audience than they can get from a “regular” thesaurus. With this book, readers can find out, for instance, how the "screaming meemies" got their name, why someone might be offended by use of the apparently inoffensive word "crumbs", and which words that mean "to kill" also mean "to cause riotous laughter". They can also distinguish comparative shades of meaning in such phrases as "an old fart", "a son of a bitch", and "a silly ass". Here is a handy reference book for students, word buffs, and professional writers—a title that merits a place in every reference library. Printed throughout in two colors.