Who Are You Calling Grandma? True Confessions of a Baby Boomer"s Passage

Цена 12.95 - 23.70 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781427640215

Брэнд 3L Publishing


Страниц 134

Год выпуска 2009

Tri, tri again! Think your trimester days are over because you delivered your children safely to earth and then had your tubes tied? Or reached menopause hotly and happily? Or had all the baby-toting equipment removed from your body? Not so fast, sister! What about the Grand Triathlon? Nine months of dA©jA voo-doo: your grandchild in the body of another woman! While the culture paints you as a grinning, shopping fool (and you may be), reality has it that preparing to Become Grand is a complex passage. It has some devilish underpinnings and some whacky outposts. What if you don t feel ready? Really and truly don"t like The Name? Need a name of your own that doesn"t start with G? Get a teensy bit crazy at the thought of Christmas arrangements? Have strong opinions that aren"t all that interesting to the couple in power? Shall I go on? Who Are You Calling Grandma? True Confessions of a Baby-Boomer"s Passage, is as poignant as it is funny, and covers the ground of this life-changing...