Piero Lissoni

- Piero Lissoni cultivates the art of understatement.Although one of Italy"s most successful designers, he is barely present in the media. Nonetheless, within the haute volee of international design there is hardly a company on which Piero Lissoni has not left his mark. So far he is known more for his furniture design rather than his architecture. He is often thought of as a minimalist, but in reality Piero Lissoni"s aim is to create a complementary cohabitation of different styles. His highest goal is simplicity: as a way of thinking, as an attitude, simplicity holds a great inner complexity. For Piero Lissoni it is always imperative to scale down and get to the bottom of things.In the metropolis of design an architect automatically also works as both designer and graphic artist. So far the name Piero Lissoni has been more often connected with his furniture than with his architecture. Committed to the humanist idea that one should be productive in different fields, his Milan studio pursues allround design, creating furniture, houses, hotels and yachts, as well as providing artistic direction for prominent furniture companies, for whom, in a process of constant dialogue, Piero Lissoni creates a clear and distinct brand image. A chair is as important to him as a house and the planning of a kitchen as significant as the concept for a building. In his design he tends to merge complex conditions and relationships into holistic yet simple forms. As an architect he understands himself as a specialist for the whole composition. It is his intention not to get lost in detail but to bring the details into context.Great liberality and seductive elegance are the trademarks Piero Lissoni bestows upon luxury labels all over the world. He has played a decisive role in raising kitchen and bath design to cult status. He designs for practicality yet incorporates the ritual of the act. He attunes his design to human criteria and only then begins with the technical implementation. Both his designs and his architecture are "quiet". Sometimes he places a stronger emphasis on dimension, proportion or colour, but most of the time his concepts lean towards the elementary, towards light-and-dark contrasts as well as towards gravity, which is balanced by the usage of less ponderous elements in order to stress light, air and empty space. His graphic designs are bright monochrome and translucent but they can also reveal a dark side. The austere black-and-white creates a neutral basis to which green or orange are added. This synthesis expresses the will to contradict, a fact which plays an important part in Piero Lissoni"s character. In many ways his work seems almost schizophrenic: it is simple and yet highly complex.