Scandinavian Modern Home

Цена 20.96 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781844006250, 9781844006250


Издатель Quadrille Publishing

Страниц 192

Год выпуска 2008

Форма выпуска 240x300

"Scandinavian Modern Home" traces the development of the most influential and enduring design movement of the twentieth century. From the late 1920s onwards, architects and designers from Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland were responsible for a range of contemporary homes, furniture, textiles, ceramics, glassware and other products that defined an approach to modern living. What characterises Scandinavian modern is its approachability; the use of natural materials and organic forms combined with clean lines and attention to basic practicality and comfort. These are all key design trademarks that are detailed within this book to give a clear understanding of what constitutes the Scandinavian modern style. This book combines a collector"s guide to the classic products of Scandinavian modern design, with advice on how to put the look together using the design trademarks of the movement. It then goes on to explore some of the most unique and interesting homes across the...