Final Fantasy and Philosophy: The Ultimate Walkthrough

The Blackwell Philosophy and PopCulture Final Fantasy is one of the greatest video game franchises of all time, and its universe is packed with compelling characters and incredible storylines. With this book, you?ll be able to apply the wisdom of centuries of philosophy to any game in the series, including Final Fantasy XIII. Everything you?ll need to achieve a greater understanding of Final Fantasy is here. As Mages, Moogles, fiends, and Kefka are mashed together with the likes of Machiavelli, Marx, Foucault, and Kafka, you?ll delve into crucial topics such as madness, nihilism, environmental ethics, Shintoism, the purpose of life, and much more. And of course, your intellectual status will be forever changed upon reading this book. Guaranteed to add a new dimension to your understanding of the Final Fantasy universe, this book is the ultimate companion to the ultimate video game series.