Planking Secrets: How to Grill with Wooden Planks for Unbeatable Barbecue Flavor

Цена 33.52 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781552857618

Брэнд Whitecap Books


Издатель Whitecap Books

Страниц 208

Год выпуска 2007

This comprehensive cookbook features more than 80 recipes including tantalizing appetizers and side dishes, meaty main courses, and delicious desserts. From classic cedar-planked salmon and maple-planked pork loin to more exotic dishes like planked swordfish kebabs and planked pears with an ice wine reduction, Ronnie Shewchuk shares his secrets of successful plank-cooking with characteristic wit and style. The book also includes: - Plank-cooked menus for any occasion - The history and lore of plank cooking - Music to plank by - Contact information for good quality cooking planks and other ingredients